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    Waste Walk Audit Form

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.
    A Waste Walk is an activity for project team members to further understand a process area that is being considered for improvement, asking questions, and then identifying the wastes on the current state value stream or process map. Using this customizable Waste Walk Audit form, the team members, along with their Lean training, can view the area with a fresh perspective as they identify process waste. Delivered as customizable Word document.
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    Kaizen Workshop Worksheets for the Lean Office

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.
    The Kaizen Worksheets include all the forms and checklists you need to conduct a Kaizen event. These are meant to support your internal kaizen event process. For more detail on how to conduct a kaizen event for your industry, please check The Lean Store.com for more workbooks detailing the process. Delivered as customizable Excel worksheets.
  • The Lean Pocket Handbook for Kaizen Events is your personal (i.e., individual) Lean planner for the 21st century. We have found individuals that use this pocket handbook feel more part of the Kaizen team. They also continue to contribute improvement ideas well past the formal team Kaizen Event. That is what Lean is all about - making those small, incremental, improvements daily (i.e., hour-by-hour and minute-by-minute) by those closest to the process.
    This handbook is designed to be:
    1. A quick-reference guide.  Lean tools are explained in more detail in other manuals or by your facilitator during the instruction portion of the workshop.
    2. Your individual (i.e., personal) log. When working outside the formal training class, notes and ideas about the area or process that are being analyzed can be easily written down in this handbook (serving as your personal log) so as not to lose valuable process information.
    3. Your personal Kaizen planner. Kaizen Events will require that individual tasks be assigned to team members to be completed prior to the next meeting.  Many of these tasks will need to be scheduled within the individual’s current work day. This handbook will thus serve as your “planner” to assure these tasks are adequately planned and completed on time.
    4. A tool to self-initiate Idea Kaizens.  An Idea Kaizen is an individual that implements an improvement with little or no assistance or resource required.  This is similar to a Suggestion Program submission; however, the individual with the Idea Kaizen would be responsible for immediate implementation of the idea.
    5. A learning tool.  Each tool will have illustrations to graphically represent the essence of each tool. This will allow you to better understand and learn about each tool prior to using them in your Kaizen Event.
  • Sale!

    The Simply Lean Kaizen Worksheets

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.
    The Simply Lean Kaizen Worksheets allow you to customize the tools, concepts, and practices demonstrated in The Simply Lean Pocket Guide. These 21 electronic worksheets will allow your Kaizen Events to be more effective in communicating the entire process. Delivered as customizable Excel worksheets.
  • First of its kind! The Simply Lean Pocket Guide is the integration of Lean and the PDCA methodology. The interactive Tinker Town case study allows you to take problem solving with a Lean twist to your next performance level. The most basic premise of Lean is to simply and effectively problem solve.   The Simply Lean Pocket Guide is a step-by-step approach to the implementation of process improvements using the PDCA model along with a Lean twist.  If you are just beginning to adopt Lean or Six Sigma as a business improvement model, whether you are in the healthcare, financial services, construction, armed services, manufacturing, government, logistics, service, or construction industry, the first thing that should be acknowledged is that the solution to the problem (or improvement target that is to be reached) will be found in the intellect of the people who are working the process.  Therefore, as a trainer, consultant (internal or external), or departmental head, the focus to improve a situation would be to “somehow” work with that group (and their intellect) and find a solution.  However, that “somehow” is not always easy to attain and will require some guidance along the way.  Simply Lean will provide that guidance ensuring root causes and wastes are eliminated in creating a Leaner, problem-free process.
  • First of its kind! The Simply Lean Pocket Guide is the integration of Lean and the PDCA methodology. The interactive Tinker Town case study allows you to take problem solving with a Lean twist to your next performance level. The most basic premise of Lean is to simply and effectively problem solve.   The Simply Lean Pocket Guide is a step-by-step approach to the implementation of process improvements using the PDCA model along with a Lean twist.  If you are just beginning to adopt Lean or Six Sigma as a business improvement model, whether you are in the healthcare, financial services, construction, armed services, manufacturing, government, logistics, service, or construction industry, the first thing that should be acknowledged is that the solution to the problem (or improvement target that is to be reached) will be found in the intellect of the people who are working the process.  Therefore, as a trainer, consultant (internal or external), or departmental head, the focus to improve a situation would be to “somehow” work with that group (and their intellect) and find a solution.  However, that “somehow” is not always easy to attain and will require some guidance along the way.
  • Sale!

    Employee Balance Chart

    Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $35.00.
    Work load balancing is the optimal distribution of work units throughout the value stream to maintain takt time or pitch. Also known as employee/staff balancing or line balancing, work load balancing assures that now one worker is doing too much or too little work. Work load balancing begins with analyzing the current state of how work relative to the value stream is allocated and ends with an even and fair distribution of work, ensuring that customer demand is met with a continuous flow mentality. The Employee Balance eTool will make this process easier by allowing you to enter the various process activities and cycle times, as well as automatically displaying them in bar graph form. This eTool is a fully customizable Microsoft Excel file. Everything is here and ready for you to get started!
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    Lean Office Assessment

    Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $35.00.
    The Lean Office Assessment was created allowing a departmental work group or individual to continually assess their Lean or continuous improvement initiatives. The Lean Office Assessment is a customizable Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that will provide a baseline from which you can then improve your administrative processes. It also can assist in determining which Lean tools may be of value during a continuous improvement project. The Lean Office Assessment has 10 Lean building block categories that are further divided into 34 sub-categories that are individually scored. All categories are automatically linked to the Overview page which displays a Radar (or Spider) Chart of the total category scores. The score will assist you into allocating the appropriate resources in your Lean project. When conducting the Assessment the work group or individual must relate their database management procedures and Microsoft Office practices to the overall concepts and tools referenced. The 10 categories are: 5S, Quality, Physical Layout, Visual Controls, Standard Work, Continuous Flow, Pull Systems, Leveling, Continuous Improvement, and Training.
  • Sale!

    Lean Communication Forms

    Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $3.00.
    This set of forms has proven successful in many Fortune 500 companies. The key to any project or continuous improvement is effective communications and alignment to the strategic goals of the organization. Delivered as customizable Word documents.
  • By: Don Tapping

    Note:  Discontinued!  If this product is ordered we will substitute the more comprehensive and up-to-date Practical Lean Six Sigma for Offices (value of $12.95 and is the larger 5" x 8.5" format for easier reading) for the same price for a limited time only. (If quantities over 100 are needed, we can Print-on-Demand, and please email info@theleanstore.com for pricing and availability.)
    The New and Improved Lean Office Pocket Guide has over 120 illustrations to visually convey the tools and concepts, along with detailed descriptions of all the Lean tools. This newer version of the best selling The Lean Office Pocket Guide also includes: 10 sections that include examples of Lean for electronic files and folders, a Waste Audit, and a Glossary of Lean terms.  The tools of 5S, value stream mapping, document tagging, continuous flow, standard work, visual control, takt time, pitch, runners, waste, plus numerous other Lean tools are thoroughly defined as well as guidelines provided for the implementation of each tool.  This version has digital photos of Lean office best practices throughout!
  • Sale!

    Who Hollered Fore?

    Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $7.95.
    By: Don Tapping and John West

    Who Hollered Fore? creates an awareness of the evils of variation – along with the realization of what that costs an organization in time and money. This book will assist in creating a common language and basic Lean theme throughout your organization. Through the story of John, Laura, and the Bartlett’s, as they participate in a charity golf event, the conversation about Lean and golf become intertwined. And finally they discover the secret to it all! About Who Hollered Fore? Who Hollered Fore? creates an awareness of the evils of variation – along with the realization of what that costs an organization in time and money.  It also provides a common language and theme so everyone can understand its importance.  This realization and subsequent action will dramatically improve an organization’s ability to improve the current process – thereby improving the bottom-line.
  • By: Rob Ptacek and Jaideep Motwani (Ph.D.)
    Today’s Lean! Learning About and Identifying Waste is the first book from the Today’s Lean! series published by MCS Media, Inc.  It has been suggested by you, our readers, that you would like Lean and Six Sigma information to be more succinct and at your fingertips, thus allowing for a single tool or concept to be easily accessible (i.e., as a pocket guide and not a manual).  Therefore, the Today’s Lean! series of books provide:
    1. Concise content on one main Lean or Six Sigma tool or concept
    2. Numerous case studies, worksheets, and examples from all types of industries
    3. Availability as a pocket guide or ebook
    4. A standard format
    5. An avenue to update content immediately via your feedback and input (via ebook updates)
    6. An inspiration for you to implement something similar
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