• By: Don Tapping
    Note:  Currently out of stock for hard copy.   We Print-On-Demand for this title of quantities of 20 or more.  Please call 734-475-4301 to place your order.

    Your eBook will be provided as a downloadable file.

    The downloadable PDF book provided is to be distributed to the quantity purchased. Unauthorized copying or sharing is not permitted. Please email info@theleanstore.com or call 734-475-4301 if you have any questions on the ebook(s) purchase.  EG.,  purchasing 5 copies of a book will allow you to distribute the PDF to 5 users.
    The most comprehensive and practical explanation of Lean concepts and tools made for the shop floor is now available in a larger format. The New Lean Pocket Guide XL has over 120 illustrations to visually convey the tools and concepts, along with detailed descriptions of all the Lean tools. This newer and larger version of the best selling The Lean Pocket Guide also includes: a section on Lean Office and Six Sigma, 20+ digital photos demonstrating Lean in action, a Waste Audit, and a Glossary of Lean terms. The tools of 5S, value stream mapping, document tagging, continuous flow, standard work, visual control, takt time, pitch, runners, waste, plus numerous other Lean tools are thoroughly defined as well as guidelines provided for the implementation of each tool. This version has digital photos of Lean production best practices throughout!
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    Who Hollered Fore?

    Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $7.95.
    By: Don Tapping and John West

    Who Hollered Fore? creates an awareness of the evils of variation – along with the realization of what that costs an organization in time and money. This book will assist in creating a common language and basic Lean theme throughout your organization. Through the story of John, Laura, and the Bartlett’s, as they participate in a charity golf event, the conversation about Lean and golf become intertwined. And finally they discover the secret to it all! About Who Hollered Fore? Who Hollered Fore? creates an awareness of the evils of variation – along with the realization of what that costs an organization in time and money.  It also provides a common language and theme so everyone can understand its importance.  This realization and subsequent action will dramatically improve an organization’s ability to improve the current process – thereby improving the bottom-line.
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    Lean Office Demystified II – eBook

    Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $7.95.
    By: Don Tapping, Anne Dunn, Doug Fertuck, and Vlado Baban

    Note:  Currently out of stock for hard copy.   We Print-On-Demand for this title of quantities of 20 or more.  Please call 734-475-4301 to place your order.

    Your ebook will be provided as a downloadable file.

    The downloadable PDF book provided is to be distributed to the quantity purchased. Unauthorized copying or sharing is not permitted. Please email info@theleanstore.com or call 734-475-4301 if you have any questions on the ebook(s) purchase.  EG., purchasing 5 copies of a book will allow you to distribute the PDF to 5 users.
    Lean Office Demystified II is simple to understand and provides easy-to-do steps explaining how Lean can be applied in various administrative settings. The tools of takt time, pitch, leveling, standard work, mistake proofing, value stream mapping, etc. are all explained with examples that anyone can relate to. The book provides three main steps into applying Lean in any type office environment.This new version also reveals the secrets on how Lean can be leveraged with MS Office (and other applications) to move information where it is needed, when it is needed, in error-free ways never dreamed of - at the speed of sight. Learn how MS Excel, Word, Access, Grove, and Visio, as well as ACT!, Windows Explorer, and Google Docs can be used in applying Lean tools and concepts. This is all conveyed through the Global Winds case study that is included at the end of each chapter.This easy-to-use book includes everything you need for success - readiness guides, worksheets, forms, screen shots, application examples, etc. Lean Office Demystified II goes beyond theory to explain how all this works in the actual business case study of Global Winds. Lean Office Demystified II will boost office performance, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction, while at the same time create stress-free work place.
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    The New Lean Healthcare Pocket Guide

    Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $6.95.
    By: Debra Hadfield (RN MSN), Shelagh Holmes (RN), Sue Kozlowski, Todd Sperl, and Don Tapping
    The New Healthcare Pocket Guide is a collection of input from healthcare professionals and Lean Sensei.  It provides easy-to-use and easy-to-understand tools, methods, and concepts based on the world-class Toyota Motor Company (i.e., Lean).  The New Lean Healthcare Pocket Guide is design for use as a quick and easy reference as you learn and implement Lean tools.  The tools of 5S, continuous flow, cycle time, document tagging, error proofing, goals and outcomes, Just-In-Time, takt time, standard work, pitch, plus all the other Lean tools are thoroughly explained.  This “newer” version includes additional case studies, actual photos, an index, as well as compliments the Value Stream Management for Lean Healthcare book.  This book will assist any healthcare facility in the enabling them into a Lean environment where the focus is on both driving strategic change and meeting operational goals.
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    Activity Doesn’t Mean Achievement: Identifying Waste in Healthcare

    Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $5.95.
    By: Todd Sperl Activity Doesn’t Mean Achievement: Identifying Waste in Healthcare provides a practical approach to educate and communicate to healthcare staff on the various types of wastes that may exist in their processes as well as provide guidance in possible ways to eliminate those wastes.  Subsequently, individuals and teams can work to eliminate those specific wastes through Kaizen or Rapid Improvement Events.  The purpose of this book is to provide:
    1. A standard communication platform for defining the 12 wastes for an individual as well as a team
    2. EXAMPLES of healthcare waste that may “trigger” ideas of wasteful processes in your facility
    3. Questions to help DETECT wastes in current processes
    4. Suggestions of Lean and Six Sigma methods to ELIMINATE wastes
    5.  Innovative ways to conduct a Waste Walk
    6.  An example of a Waste Audit and Waste Walk
    7. Space in the book to document current wasteful processes as well as ideas for eliminating those wastes
    8. Definitions for the basic Lean and Six Sigma tools
    9. A case study on how one facility used the simple concept of waste to engage staff in their Lean journey
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    The 5S Desktop (PC) Pocket Handbook

    Original price was: $8.95.Current price is: $5.95.
    By: Vlado Baban
    The 5S Desktop (PC) Pocket Handbook is a step-by-step guide for the implementation of 5S to all your electronic files. The XP version of Windows Explorer and the Office 2003 software suite were the versions used in creating this handbook. This handbook is designed to be:
    1. An implementation guide. This handbook steps you through each phase of the 5S process. Examples are shown to assist you in this process. No two file systems (Desktops) are the same; therefore, use the examples as a guide when you apply that phase or step to your Desktop.
    2. A Lean beginning. 5S is a fundamental Lean tool and is considered the foundation for additional Lean tool application. Once 5S has been implemented and results have been obtained, there will be a need to integrate more Lean tools into your Desktop environment.
    3. A spark for the department. Once everyone understands the basic premise of Lean and 5S, then that understanding can serve as a catalyst for a more comprehensive application of Lean tools. (iLean and Lean Office Demystified II are available books on how additional Lean tools can be applied to your Desktop environment.)
    4. A bridge for improved performance. It is often stated that the average person at work today has nearly 80 emails to deal with on a daily basis. This, along with the other application files, can at times be overwhelming for the individual. Using 5S for organizing your emails, as well as the other application files, will greatly assist in managing this barrage of information. Implementing 5S to your files and folders will allow for a more stress-free workplace.
    By: David M. TappingThe Lean Pocket Handbook for Financial Services is a quick, ready-to-use, reference allowing employee's in the financial, insurance, and banking industry to learn, understand, and apply Lean (continuous improvement) tools. The book describes the basic thirteen Lean tools (5S, continuous flow, standard work, paper file system, Six Sigma, etc.) that have proven successful in financial service applications. Lean is a business improvement system based on the powerful concepts documented by the world-class Toyota Motor Corporation. Lean is a process to eliminate waste. For these financial service industries to obtain their share of the 21st century investment and banking business, costs must be contained and waste eliminated. If this does not occur through the use of Lean and Six Sigma, your ATM card will be drawing from the Chekiang First Bank Ltd., Beijing, China.
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    The Lean Office Pocket Handbook

    Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $5.95.
    By: Roger Kremer
    The Lean Office Pocket Handbookis a quick-reference guide covering the terms, concepts, benefits and techniques for the application of Lean in administrative areas of all industry types. It is easy to follow, simple in its concepts, and, above all, practical to use. The tools of 5S, continuous flow, office layout, value stream mapping, process mapping, problem solving, kanbanning office supplies, kaizen, plus numerous other Lean tools are defined in terms that relate to the administrative environment.
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    Today’s Lean! Using 5S to Organize Areas and Files – eBook

    Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $2.95.
    By: Rob Ptacek and Jaideep Motwani (Ph.D.)
    Note:  Currently out of stock for hard copy.   We Print-On-Demand for this title of quantities of 50 or more.  Please call 734-475-4301 to place your order.

    Your eBook will be provided as a downloadable file.

    The downloadable PDF book provided is to be distributed to the quantity purchased. Unauthorized copying or sharing is not permitted. Please email info@theleanstore.com or call 734-475-4301 if you have any questions on the ebook(s) purchase.  EG.,  purchasing 5 copies of a book will allow you to distribute the PDF to 5 users.
    Today’s Lean! Using 5S to Organize and Standardize Areas and Files is another book from the Today’s Lean! series published by MCS Media, Inc.  It has been suggested by you, our readers, that you would like Lean and Six Sigma information to be more succinct and at your fingertips, thus allowing for a single tool or concept to be easily accessible (i.e., as a pocket guide and not a manual).  Therefore, the Today’s Lean! series of books provide:
    1. Concise content on a one main Lean or Six Sigma tool or concept
    2. Numerous case studies, worksheets, and examples from all types of industries
    3. Availability as a pocket guide or ebook
    4. A standard format
    5. An avenue to update content immediately via your feedback and input (via ebook updates)
    6. An inspiration for you to implement something similar
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