Today’s Lean! Learning About and Identifying Waste


By: Rob Ptacek and Jaideep Motwani (Ph.D.)

Today’s Lean! Learning About and Identifying Waste is the first book from the Today’s Lean! series published by MCS Media, Inc.  It has been suggested by you, our readers, that you would like Lean and Six Sigma information to be more succinct and at your fingertips, thus allowing for a single tool or concept to be easily accessible (i.e., as a pocket guide and not a manual).  Therefore, the Today’s Lean! series of books provide:

  1. Concise content on one main Lean or Six Sigma tool or concept
  2. Numerous case studies, worksheets, and examples from all types of industries
  3. Availability as a pocket guide or ebook
  4. A standard format
  5. An avenue to update content immediately via your feedback and input (via ebook updates)
  6. An inspiration for you to implement something similar


By: Rob Ptacek and Jaideep Motwani (Ph.D.)

Today’s Lean! Learning About and Identifying Waste is the first book from the Today’s Lean! series published by MCS Media, Inc.  It has been suggested by you, our readers, that you would like Lean and Six Sigma information to be more succinct and at your fingertips, thus allowing for a single tool or concept to be easily accessible (i.e., as a pocket guide and not a manual).  Therefore, the Today’s Lean! series of books provide:

  1. Concise content on one main Lean or Six Sigma tool or concept
  2. Numerous case studies, worksheets, and examples from all types of industries
  3. Availability as a pocket guide or ebook
  4. A standard format
  5. An avenue to update content immediately via your feedback and input (via ebook updates)
  6. An inspiration for you to implement something similar

Many Lean and Six Sigma tools inter-relate and rarely will only one Lean tool be used.  So, why you might ask are these tools being “separated” into individual topics?  It is because we have realized that many Lean and Six Sigma tools also are fairly simple to understand and most people can make the “common-sense” connection to a specific improvement activity once the basics of a tool is explained.

Today’s Lean! Learning About and Identifying Waste provides the following:

  1. A standard communication platform for the 12 wastes (which may be easily added-to or redefined given your industry)
  2. Examples of waste that may “trigger” ideas of wasteful processes in your organization
  3. Easy identification and elimination of waste at the source (if it is simple and obvious)
  4. Innovative ways to conduct a Waste Walk
  5. An example of a Waste Audit
  6. Space in the book for you to document ideas for eliminating waste
  7. A detailed case study on how one organization used the simple concept of waste to launch their Lean journey

It is with great pleasure to present this first book in the Today’s Lean! series.  Please let us know any additional topics that may be of value in this format or if you have any other ideas on how continuous improvement information can be presented.

Continue to visit for new and exciting books!

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 3.75 × 5.5 × .25 in


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