• By: Jayant Twewn (PhD), Todd Sperl, Rob Ptacek, and Deborah Salimi (PhD)
    We are pleased to present Kaizen Demystified, perfectly timed for today s ever-changing and ever-demanding business environment requiring improved processes. Whether your industry is manufacturing, healthcare, financial, education, armed forces, services, government, or the construction industry, or, you are a manager, supervisor, team leader, or a front-line worker, this book will provide new insights and ideas for managing and facilitating continuous improvement and problem solving projects (i.e., Kaizen Events). Kaizen Demystified provides a simple and practical approach detailing five distinct methods on how Lean (and Six Sigma) tools and concepts can quickly and efficiently be applied and managed to solve business problems and improve processes. The five types of Kaizen Events detailed in this book are the: (1) Standard 5 Day Kaizen Event, also referred to as a Kaizen Blitz or Rapid Improvement Event, (2) Rolling Kaizen Event, (3) Web Based Kaizen Event, (4) Today's Kaizen Event, and (5) Wiki (or Quick) Kaizen Event. Each type will be thoroughly explained to demystify what it may mean for you. Kaizen Event Leadership is thoroughly explored in a separate chapter/section that relates to all types of Kaizen Events. It provides a listing of the common issues facing the leader of a Kaizen Event as well as suggested how-to leadership skills to address those issues. This is one of the most important aspects of leading any type of Kaizen Event.
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    Lean Communication Forms

    Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $3.00.
    This set of forms has proven successful in many Fortune 500 companies. The key to any project or continuous improvement is effective communications and alignment to the strategic goals of the organization. Delivered as customizable Word documents.
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    5S for the Office User’s Guide Worksheets

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $7.00.
    The 5S for the Office User's Guide Worksheets allow you to customize the tools, concepts, practices, and worksheets demonstrated in The 5S for the Office User's Guide. These 41 electronic worksheets will allow for more effective implementation of 5S practices in your administrative areas. Delivered as customizable Excel worksheets.
  • First of its kind! The Simply Lean Pocket Guide for Construction is the integration of Lean and the PDCA methodology. The actual case study of Midway Construction demonstrates specifically how problem solving and Lean were used in achieving significant results involving various aspects of the construction industry. The case study - along with the detailed descriptions of the quality improvement tools (with a Lean twist as explained in the case) allows you to take your organization to your next performance level.

    NOTE: We are only providing this book as Print On Demand (POD) which requires a minimum order of 100 books. Please call 734-475-4301 to place your order.  If you require less than that, please consider The New and Improved Lean Office Pocket Guide or The Simple Lean Pocket Guide.

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    Practical Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare Worksheets

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $15.00.
    The Practical Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare Worksheets allows you to customize the tools, concepts, and practices demonstrated in the Practical Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare book. These 27 electronic worksheets allow you to immediately begin to use the practices in your Kaizen Event. Delivered as customizable Excel worksheets.
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    Value Stream Management for Lean Healthcare Worksheets

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $12.00.
    The Value Stream Management for Lean Healthcare Worksheets allows you to customize the tools, concepts, and practices demonstrated in the Value Stream Management for Lean Healthcare book. These 52 electronic worksheets allow you to immediately begin to use the practices in your Kaizen Event. Delivered as customizable Excel worksheets.
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    Practical Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare Training Set

    Original price was: $195.00.Current price is: $165.00.
    By: Todd Sperl, Rob Ptacek, Jayant Trewn (PhD)
    The Practical Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare Training Set is a comprehensive 16-hour training program to educate all types of employees in hospitals, clinics, and physician group practices with a down-to-earth approach how Lean and Six Sigma tools and concepts improve clinical and non-clinical processes in terms of patient care and quality, cost, and speed in which services are delivered. References will be made in the Notes section throughout this Training Set guiding you to the appropriate page in the Practical Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare book. The book should be provided to all participants as a key reference for the information conveyed throughout the training session.
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    Lean Office Demystified II – eBook

    Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $7.95.
    By: Don Tapping, Anne Dunn, Doug Fertuck, and Vlado Baban

    Note:  Currently out of stock for hard copy.   We Print-On-Demand for this title of quantities of 20 or more.  Please call 734-475-4301 to place your order.

    Your ebook will be provided as a downloadable file.

    The downloadable PDF book provided is to be distributed to the quantity purchased. Unauthorized copying or sharing is not permitted. Please email info@theleanstore.com or call 734-475-4301 if you have any questions on the ebook(s) purchase.  EG., purchasing 5 copies of a book will allow you to distribute the PDF to 5 users.
    Lean Office Demystified II is simple to understand and provides easy-to-do steps explaining how Lean can be applied in various administrative settings. The tools of takt time, pitch, leveling, standard work, mistake proofing, value stream mapping, etc. are all explained with examples that anyone can relate to. The book provides three main steps into applying Lean in any type office environment.This new version also reveals the secrets on how Lean can be leveraged with MS Office (and other applications) to move information where it is needed, when it is needed, in error-free ways never dreamed of - at the speed of sight. Learn how MS Excel, Word, Access, Grove, and Visio, as well as ACT!, Windows Explorer, and Google Docs can be used in applying Lean tools and concepts. This is all conveyed through the Global Winds case study that is included at the end of each chapter.This easy-to-use book includes everything you need for success - readiness guides, worksheets, forms, screen shots, application examples, etc. Lean Office Demystified II goes beyond theory to explain how all this works in the actual business case study of Global Winds. Lean Office Demystified II will boost office performance, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction, while at the same time create stress-free work place.
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    Lean Healthcare Assessment and Gap Analysis

    Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $35.00.
    The Lean Healthcare Assessment and Gap Analysis is based on a Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) or Assess, Diagnosis, Treat, and Prevent improvement cycle. The questions are based on The Malcolm Baldrige Award Criteria and are the key ingredients to ensure your organization delivers quality care to patients. In that endeavor, take this assessment which has 5 main categories of Leadership, Patient Focus, Process Management, Staff Management, and Information and Analysis - with over 25 sub-categories to establish a benchmark for your hospital, clinic or physician group practice. The leader and team members should complete the assessment individually or as a team, with active debate. The results are compiled on a Radar Chart. A detailed Improvement Guide will assist you to the various Lean Six Sigma tools to work on attaining the next level.
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    Waste Walk Audit Form

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.
    A Waste Walk is an activity for project team members to further understand a process area that is being considered for improvement, asking questions, and then identifying the wastes on the current state value stream or process map. Using this customizable Waste Walk Audit form, the team members, along with their Lean training, can view the area with a fresh perspective as they identify process waste. Delivered as customizable Word document.
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    Activity Doesn’t Mean Achievement: Identifying Waste in Healthcare

    Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $5.95.
    By: Todd Sperl Activity Doesn’t Mean Achievement: Identifying Waste in Healthcare provides a practical approach to educate and communicate to healthcare staff on the various types of wastes that may exist in their processes as well as provide guidance in possible ways to eliminate those wastes.  Subsequently, individuals and teams can work to eliminate those specific wastes through Kaizen or Rapid Improvement Events.  The purpose of this book is to provide:
    1. A standard communication platform for defining the 12 wastes for an individual as well as a team
    2. EXAMPLES of healthcare waste that may “trigger” ideas of wasteful processes in your facility
    3. Questions to help DETECT wastes in current processes
    4. Suggestions of Lean and Six Sigma methods to ELIMINATE wastes
    5.  Innovative ways to conduct a Waste Walk
    6.  An example of a Waste Audit and Waste Walk
    7. Space in the book to document current wasteful processes as well as ideas for eliminating those wastes
    8. Definitions for the basic Lean and Six Sigma tools
    9. A case study on how one facility used the simple concept of waste to engage staff in their Lean journey
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    Kaizen Workshop Worksheets for the Lean Office

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.
    The Kaizen Worksheets include all the forms and checklists you need to conduct a Kaizen event. These are meant to support your internal kaizen event process. For more detail on how to conduct a kaizen event for your industry, please check The Lean Store.com for more workbooks detailing the process. Delivered as customizable Excel worksheets.
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