The most significant factor allowing manufacturing to compete is the use of Lean manufacturing tools and concepts. Lean is based on the world-class practices of the Toyota Motor Corporation. Lean is comprised reducing waste, reducing costs increasing inventory turns, while increasing throughput, speed, while engaging the employee. The tools and concepts of Six Sigma should also be used for a comprehensive Lean Sigma approach to continuous improvement.

  • Sale!

    The Lean Primer

    Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.50.
    By: Roger Kremer and Tom Fabrizio The Lean Primer will allow you to train the organization to understand how critical the implementation of Lean principles and processes are to your short and long term success. It will provide the various reasons why an organization must go Lean, as well as detailing what Lean is. Lean will be explained in the terms of Stabilize, Flow, and Sustain with reference to the following topics of lean vision, waste, value stream mapping, 5S, takt time, buffer and safety stock, continuous flow, standard work, quick changeover, kanban, visual controls, mistake-proofing, leveling, paced withdrawal, visual production control, runners, TPM, and kaizen. Each of these tools will also be explained with digital photos from world-class shops from across the US that shared their best practices.
  • Sale!

    The Lean Manufacturing Training Set

    Original price was: $195.00.Current price is: $165.50.
    By: Roger Kremer and Don Tapping
    The Set allows you to teach the topics contained in the best selling The New Lean Pocket Guide (XL) with references throughout on the Note Pages of the Facilitator’s Guide. The Set has over 50 plant photos, 40 illustrations, as well as 6 different activities that will help teach the various tools comprised of Lean.
  • Sale!

    The Lean Assessment

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.
    By: Roger Kremer
    The Lean Assessment was created as a guide to allow the job shop and small manufacturer in their Lean journey. The Lean Assessment will provide a baseline upon which you can improve - and most importantly also provide a reference on what to do. The Lean Assessment has 13 Lean building block categories that are further divided into sub-categories that are scored. The subsequent score will assist you into allocating the appropriate resources in your Lean project. Administrative areas are also referenced in this assessment. The Assessment is self-administering and will allow you to create the necessary visual spider chart to convey the score within the organization.
  • Sale!

    The New Lean Pocket Guide – Spanish Edition

    Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $8.95.
    By: Luz Blanco Palma The New Lean Pocket Guide (en Espanól) La Nueva Lean de Bolsillo (Produccion Lean) Refuerze la transformación hacia los procesos esbeltos con La Nueva Guía de Bolsillo (Lean Producción).  Este manual ha sido desarrollado tanto para directivos como para empleados, gráficamente explícito, sirve de referencia rápida sobre los procesos de manufacturación esbelta y está optimizado para reducir costos, optimizar la calidad, entregar los productos a tiempo y proveerlo con los conocimientos necesarios para seguir siendo ¡globalmente competitivo en el siglo 21!  Esta guía está diseñada para usarla como referencia conveniente y rápida mientras se aprende a implementar la manufactura, tecnología y herramientas esbeltas.  Este manual provee de una valiosa visión de los matices del proceso esbelto o lean.  ¡Se tiene a mano cualquier aspecto del proceso esbelto en segundos!  Y está definitivamente enfocado a las industrias manufactureras.  El objetivo  principal de esta La Nueva Guía de Bolsillo (Producción Lean) es informar sobre cómo las herramientas de procesos esbeltos pueden ser utilizadas para eliminar cargas y trabajo descartable.  Cuanto mejor definido, analizado y resueltos los desperdicios, mejor sera la utilización de estas herramientas en la secuencia apropiada de implementación; por ende mejor será el recorrido del camino hacia la esbeltez globalizada.  Indice de Materias - Matriz de Herramientas para Procesos Esbeltos, 5 Eses, Análisis de la Cantidad de Producto (CP) y del Desperdicios y Cargas Descartables, Existencias Acumuladas y de Reserva, Visual, Flujo Continuo, Heijunka (Nivelación de la Carga de Trabajo), Informes y Comunicaciones Esbeltas, Intercambio Rápido, Jidoka, Justo-A-Tiempo, Kanban (Sistema de Arrastre), Layout Celular: Forma de U, Manejo de Herramientas Perecederas, Manejo del la Cadena de Producción, Mantención del Total Productivo, Mapeo de la Cadena de Producción, Metodología para Resolución de Problemas, Métricas de Procesos Esbeltos, Nivelación de la Línea de Producción, Oficina Esbelta (Lean Office), Organigrama, Origen del Proceso Esbelto, Prueba de Errores, Responsable de la Producción, Retiro Pausado, Secuencia para la Implementación del Proceso Esbelto, Seis Sigma (Six Sigma),Talleres Kaizen, Tiempo Cíclico, Tiempo de Ejecución Taka, Tiempo de Retiro del Producto Empacado, Trabajo Estándar, Auditoría de Desperdicios y de Cargas, Glosario.
  • Sale!

    The 5S Desktop (PC) Training Set

    Original price was: $195.00.Current price is: $165.00.
    By: Joe Buys, Vlado Babon, and Don Tapping
    The 5S Desktop (PC) Training Set allows you to apply the Lean tool of 5S to your electronic files and folders using Windows Explorer and Outlook. The Training Set is based off the best-selling The 5S Desktop (PC) Pocket Handbook with references throughout on the Note Pages of the Facilitator's Guide. You will learn the step-by-step procedures for organizing and standardizing all your electronic files through the Greybeck, Inc. case study. Also, through the 5S phases, flags, filters, and reminders will be discussed to ensure your emails are better organized and handled. 5S is a powerful tool to begin to improve office productivity in regards to data and information flow.
  • Sale!

    The Lean Manufacturing Training Set – Spanish Edition

    Original price was: $195.00.Current price is: $165.50.
    By: Edwin Garro and Luz Blanco Palma
    El Curso de Entrenamiento de Manufactura Lean es un material de entrenamiento  todo-incluido , que puede ser adaptado o personalizado de acuerdo con las necesidades de la empresa. Las herramientas Lean y conceptos son explicados en términos de los ejemplos reales de la planta, lo cual permite a los empleados entender mejor y luego aplicar las herramientas Lean. A través de esta guía del participante usted aprenderá:
    1. Cómo aportar sus ideas a través de iniciativas Lean
    2. A entender cómo se utilizan las herramientas Lean al relacionarlas con ejemplos prácticos
    3. Cómo se aplican las herramientas Lean a través de su participación en una simulación  4)  A mejorar sus destrezas técnicas
  • Sale!

    Lean Office Demystified II – eBook

    Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $7.95.
    By: Don Tapping, Anne Dunn, Doug Fertuck, and Vlado Baban

    Note:  Currently out of stock for hard copy.   We Print-On-Demand for this title of quantities of 20 or more.  Please call 734-475-4301 to place your order.

    Your ebook will be provided as a downloadable file.

    The downloadable PDF book provided is to be distributed to the quantity purchased. Unauthorized copying or sharing is not permitted. Please email or call 734-475-4301 if you have any questions on the ebook(s) purchase.  EG., purchasing 5 copies of a book will allow you to distribute the PDF to 5 users.
    Lean Office Demystified II is simple to understand and provides easy-to-do steps explaining how Lean can be applied in various administrative settings. The tools of takt time, pitch, leveling, standard work, mistake proofing, value stream mapping, etc. are all explained with examples that anyone can relate to. The book provides three main steps into applying Lean in any type office environment.This new version also reveals the secrets on how Lean can be leveraged with MS Office (and other applications) to move information where it is needed, when it is needed, in error-free ways never dreamed of - at the speed of sight. Learn how MS Excel, Word, Access, Grove, and Visio, as well as ACT!, Windows Explorer, and Google Docs can be used in applying Lean tools and concepts. This is all conveyed through the Global Winds case study that is included at the end of each chapter.This easy-to-use book includes everything you need for success - readiness guides, worksheets, forms, screen shots, application examples, etc. Lean Office Demystified II goes beyond theory to explain how all this works in the actual business case study of Global Winds. Lean Office Demystified II will boost office performance, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction, while at the same time create stress-free work place.
  • Sale!

    Who Hollered Fore?

    Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $7.95.
    By: Don Tapping and John West

    Who Hollered Fore? creates an awareness of the evils of variation – along with the realization of what that costs an organization in time and money. This book will assist in creating a common language and basic Lean theme throughout your organization. Through the story of John, Laura, and the Bartlett’s, as they participate in a charity golf event, the conversation about Lean and golf become intertwined. And finally they discover the secret to it all! About Who Hollered Fore? Who Hollered Fore? creates an awareness of the evils of variation – along with the realization of what that costs an organization in time and money.  It also provides a common language and theme so everyone can understand its importance.  This realization and subsequent action will dramatically improve an organization’s ability to improve the current process – thereby improving the bottom-line.
  • By: Don Tapping
    Note:  Currently out of stock for hard copy.   We Print-On-Demand for this title of quantities of 20 or more.  Please call 734-475-4301 to place your order.

    Your eBook will be provided as a downloadable file.

    The downloadable PDF book provided is to be distributed to the quantity purchased. Unauthorized copying or sharing is not permitted. Please email or call 734-475-4301 if you have any questions on the ebook(s) purchase.  EG.,  purchasing 5 copies of a book will allow you to distribute the PDF to 5 users.
    The most comprehensive and practical explanation of Lean concepts and tools made for the shop floor is now available in a larger format. The New Lean Pocket Guide XL has over 120 illustrations to visually convey the tools and concepts, along with detailed descriptions of all the Lean tools. This newer and larger version of the best selling The Lean Pocket Guide also includes: a section on Lean Office and Six Sigma, 20+ digital photos demonstrating Lean in action, a Waste Audit, and a Glossary of Lean terms. The tools of 5S, value stream mapping, document tagging, continuous flow, standard work, visual control, takt time, pitch, runners, waste, plus numerous other Lean tools are thoroughly defined as well as guidelines provided for the implementation of each tool. This version has digital photos of Lean production best practices throughout!
  • By: Don Tapping
    The New Lean Pocket Guide has over 120 illustrations to visually convey the tools and concepts, along with detailed descriptions of all the Lean tools. This newer version of the best selling The Lean Pocket Guide also includes: a section on Lean Office and Six Sigma, 20+ digital photos demonstrating Lean in action, a Waste Audit, and a Glossary of Lean terms. The tools of 5S, value stream mapping, document tagging, continuous flow, standard work, visual control, takt time, pitch, runners, waste, plus numerous other Lean tools are thoroughly defined as well as guidelines provided for the implementation of each tool. This version has digital photos of Lean production best practices throughout!
  • Sale!

    The New Lean Pocket Guide – Chinese Edition

    Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $7.95.
    By: Don Tapping The New Lean Pocket Guide (Chinese Edition) has over 120 illustrations to visually convey the tools and concepts, along with detailed descriptions of all the Lean tools. This newer version of the best selling The Lean Pocket Guide also includes: a section on Lean Office and Six Sigma, 20+ digital photos demonstrating Lean in action, a Waste Audit, and a Glossary of Lean terms. The tools of 5S, value stream mapping, document tagging, continuous flow, standard work, visual control, takt time, pitch, runners, waste, plus numerous other Lean tools are thoroughly defined as well as guidelines provided for the implementation of each tool. This version has digital photos of Lean production best practices throughout!
  • Sale!

    Lean Communication Forms

    Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $3.00.
    This set of forms has proven successful in many Fortune 500 companies. The key to any project or continuous improvement is effective communications and alignment to the strategic goals of the organization. Delivered as customizable Word documents.
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