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    The New Lean Healthcare Pocket Guide XL

    Original price was: $12.95.Current price is: $10.95.
    By: Debra Hadfield (RN, MSN), Shelagh Holmes (RN), Sue Kozlowski, Todd Sperl, and Don Tapping The New Healthcare Pocket Guide XL is a collection of input from healthcare professionals and Lean Sensei. It provides easy-to-use and easy-to-understand tools, methods, and concepts based on the world-class Toyota Motor Company (i.e., Lean). The New Lean Healthcare Pocket Guide XL in this larger format is design for use as a quick and easy reference as you learn and implement Lean tools. The tools of 5S, continuous flow, cycle time, document tagging, error proofing, goals and outcomes, Just-In-Time, takt time, standard work, pitch, plus all the other Lean tools are thoroughly explained. This "newer" version includes additional case studies, actual photos, an index, as well as compliments the Value Stream Management for Lean Healthcare book. This book will assist any healthcare facility in the enabling them into a Lean environment where the focus is on both driving strategic change and meeting operational goals.
    By: David M. TappingThe Lean Pocket Handbook for Financial Services is a quick, ready-to-use, reference allowing employee's in the financial, insurance, and banking industry to learn, understand, and apply Lean (continuous improvement) tools. The book describes the basic thirteen Lean tools (5S, continuous flow, standard work, paper file system, Six Sigma, etc.) that have proven successful in financial service applications. Lean is a business improvement system based on the powerful concepts documented by the world-class Toyota Motor Corporation. Lean is a process to eliminate waste. For these financial service industries to obtain their share of the 21st century investment and banking business, costs must be contained and waste eliminated. If this does not occur through the use of Lean and Six Sigma, your ATM card will be drawing from the Chekiang First Bank Ltd., Beijing, China.
  • The Lean Pocket Handbook for Kaizen Events is your personal (i.e., individual) Lean planner for the 21st century. We have found individuals that use this pocket handbook feel more part of the Kaizen team. They also continue to contribute improvement ideas well past the formal team Kaizen Event. That is what Lean is all about - making those small, incremental, improvements daily (i.e., hour-by-hour and minute-by-minute) by those closest to the process.
    This handbook is designed to be:
    1. A quick-reference guide.  Lean tools are explained in more detail in other manuals or by your facilitator during the instruction portion of the workshop.
    2. Your individual (i.e., personal) log. When working outside the formal training class, notes and ideas about the area or process that are being analyzed can be easily written down in this handbook (serving as your personal log) so as not to lose valuable process information.
    3. Your personal Kaizen planner. Kaizen Events will require that individual tasks be assigned to team members to be completed prior to the next meeting.  Many of these tasks will need to be scheduled within the individual’s current work day. This handbook will thus serve as your “planner” to assure these tasks are adequately planned and completed on time.
    4. A tool to self-initiate Idea Kaizens.  An Idea Kaizen is an individual that implements an improvement with little or no assistance or resource required.  This is similar to a Suggestion Program submission; however, the individual with the Idea Kaizen would be responsible for immediate implementation of the idea.
    5. A learning tool.  Each tool will have illustrations to graphically represent the essence of each tool. This will allow you to better understand and learn about each tool prior to using them in your Kaizen Event.
  • First of its kind! The Simply Lean Pocket Guide is the integration of Lean and the PDCA methodology. The interactive Tinker Town case study allows you to take problem solving with a Lean twist to your next performance level. The most basic premise of Lean is to simply and effectively problem solve.   The Simply Lean Pocket Guide is a step-by-step approach to the implementation of process improvements using the PDCA model along with a Lean twist.  If you are just beginning to adopt Lean or Six Sigma as a business improvement model, whether you are in the healthcare, financial services, construction, armed services, manufacturing, government, logistics, service, or construction industry, the first thing that should be acknowledged is that the solution to the problem (or improvement target that is to be reached) will be found in the intellect of the people who are working the process.  Therefore, as a trainer, consultant (internal or external), or departmental head, the focus to improve a situation would be to “somehow” work with that group (and their intellect) and find a solution.  However, that “somehow” is not always easy to attain and will require some guidance along the way.  Simply Lean will provide that guidance ensuring root causes and wastes are eliminated in creating a Leaner, problem-free process.
  • First of its kind! The Simply Lean Pocket Guide is the integration of Lean and the PDCA methodology. The interactive Tinker Town case study allows you to take problem solving with a Lean twist to your next performance level. The most basic premise of Lean is to simply and effectively problem solve.   The Simply Lean Pocket Guide is a step-by-step approach to the implementation of process improvements using the PDCA model along with a Lean twist.  If you are just beginning to adopt Lean or Six Sigma as a business improvement model, whether you are in the healthcare, financial services, construction, armed services, manufacturing, government, logistics, service, or construction industry, the first thing that should be acknowledged is that the solution to the problem (or improvement target that is to be reached) will be found in the intellect of the people who are working the process.  Therefore, as a trainer, consultant (internal or external), or departmental head, the focus to improve a situation would be to “somehow” work with that group (and their intellect) and find a solution.  However, that “somehow” is not always easy to attain and will require some guidance along the way.
  • Sale!

    The 5S for the Office User’s Guide

    Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $12.95.
    The 5S for the Office User's Guide provides an organization with the forms, worksheets, and checklists necessary to ensure a 5S project is well-planned from the start - as well as ensuring the program is sustained over time. This how-to guide should be used as it is titled - as a "Guide". The information contained in this workbook should supplement, support, and enhance, etc. current materials that an organization may currently be using. Throughout The 5S for the Office User’s Guide there will be various quotations, performance points, references to PC file storage (the IT case study in the appendix) etc. to further invoke the overall need to do 5S in all types of administrative settings.  As organizations automate more administrative functions (i.e., becoming more paperless) then there must exist that same type of organization and standardization for a physical file system as well as the computer file system.  It is the focus of this User’s Guide to have the 5S principles apply to both the physical desktop (paperwork, desk layout, drawer organization, etc.) and the PC desktop (folders, files, emails, shortcuts, etc.). No workbook or guide can take the place of a person’s enthusiasm and passion to improve.  However, what this guide can do is provide a good, solid foundation on what is required to effectively implement 5S in administrative settings while also spearheading efforts to bring those principles to the PC.
  • First of its kind! The Simply Lean Pocket Guide for Construction is the integration of Lean and the PDCA methodology. The actual case study of Midway Construction demonstrates specifically how problem solving and Lean were used in achieving significant results involving various aspects of the construction industry. The case study - along with the detailed descriptions of the quality improvement tools (with a Lean twist as explained in the case) allows you to take your organization to your next performance level.

    NOTE: We are only providing this book as Print On Demand (POD) which requires a minimum order of 100 books. Please call 734-475-4301 to place your order.  If you require less than that, please consider The New and Improved Lean Office Pocket Guide or The Simple Lean Pocket Guide.

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    iLEAN – 21st Century Lean

    Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $22.50.
    By: Vlado Baban, Joe Buys, and Don Tapping
    iLean's content will provide actual case studies, application examples, and working macros that have proven successful in improving information flow in all types of environments. iLean was arranged in a format that should provide you with enough detailed guidance (step-by-step instructions) to apply a similar-type Lean practice to your work process. Starting with Chapter 3, each chapter begins with a section titled Is this you? which was specifically designed to assist you in determining if that chapter has immediate relevancy to your current work challenges. Subsequently, it is suggested that a formal standard improvement methodology, Six Sigma's Design-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (D-M-A-I-C), Edward Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) or some other similar methodology be used if a formal structure is required and/or more statistical analysis needs is required. However, many of the concepts and tools presented throughout this book can be implemented by an individual worker and, therefore, will not require a formal process (other than good project management skills). Microsoft s Office suite of products of Word, Excel, and Outlook, as well as Open Source applications of vTiger, Google Docs, and Huddle, are referenced throughout this book to provide an overall understanding of how Lean can be used to move information faster and more accurately than ever before. In doing so, you will be able to reduce inter-office dependencies, delays, and errors that may be present in your current business processes.
  • Sale!

    The 5S Desktop (PC) Pocket Handbook

    Original price was: $8.95.Current price is: $5.95.
    By: Vlado Baban
    The 5S Desktop (PC) Pocket Handbook is a step-by-step guide for the implementation of 5S to all your electronic files. The XP version of Windows Explorer and the Office 2003 software suite were the versions used in creating this handbook. This handbook is designed to be:
    1. An implementation guide. This handbook steps you through each phase of the 5S process. Examples are shown to assist you in this process. No two file systems (Desktops) are the same; therefore, use the examples as a guide when you apply that phase or step to your Desktop.
    2. A Lean beginning. 5S is a fundamental Lean tool and is considered the foundation for additional Lean tool application. Once 5S has been implemented and results have been obtained, there will be a need to integrate more Lean tools into your Desktop environment.
    3. A spark for the department. Once everyone understands the basic premise of Lean and 5S, then that understanding can serve as a catalyst for a more comprehensive application of Lean tools. (iLean and Lean Office Demystified II are available books on how additional Lean tools can be applied to your Desktop environment.)
    4. A bridge for improved performance. It is often stated that the average person at work today has nearly 80 emails to deal with on a daily basis. This, along with the other application files, can at times be overwhelming for the individual. Using 5S for organizing your emails, as well as the other application files, will greatly assist in managing this barrage of information. Implementing 5S to your files and folders will allow for a more stress-free workplace.
  • Sale!

    The Lean Desktop and Networking Pocket Guide XL

    Original price was: $10.95.Current price is: $8.95.
    By: Vlado Baban, Doug Fertuck, Matt Smith, Bob Angeli (P.E.), and Don Tapping

    The Lean Desktop and Networking Pocket Guide XL is designed to be a convenient, quick reference book providing valuable insight into how Lean can be applied to data as it is pulled, analyzed, formatted, and sent through various Desktop and networking applications. The Lean Desktop and Networking Pocket Guide XL details the application of Lean (i.e., the tools and concepts derived from the Toyota Production System), that when leveraged with Microsoft Office and Open Source applications, can assist to better manage data on a daily basis while improving office productivity. Desktop Lean will create a new generation of "power users" and enhance a typical office worker's ability to work individually, as well as collaborate in work group type situations. This "new" power user is a person that readily learns new applications while integrating Lean tools and concepts to eliminate all process waste.
  • Sale!

    Pursuing Perfect Service

    Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $28.50.
    By: Rob Ptacek and Jaideep Motwani (Ph.D)
    Note:  Currently out of stock.  Orders placed today will ship within 2 weeks! Pursuing Perfect Service is a comprehensive and detailed set of instructions on how to implement Lean and Six Sigma tools and concepts in a variety of environments. It will provide the solid foundation upon which Lean Sigma tools can be applied in any service organization. Service providers are continually processing daily requests and must know how to identify client needs and expectations, how to best satisfy their needs, and how to do it at the lowest possible cost. This book is a step-by-step implementation guide for continuous improvement while creating a solid foundation upon which to build a service excellence culture. Pursuing Perfect Service also provides insights and examples on how Information Technology can be used to improve data and information flow to enhance the overall client experience, while ensuring organizational profitability.
  • Sale!

    Today’s Lean! Using 5S to Organize Areas and Files – eBook

    Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $2.95.
    By: Rob Ptacek and Jaideep Motwani (Ph.D.)
    Note:  Currently out of stock for hard copy.   We Print-On-Demand for this title of quantities of 50 or more.  Please call 734-475-4301 to place your order.

    Your eBook will be provided as a downloadable file.

    The downloadable PDF book provided is to be distributed to the quantity purchased. Unauthorized copying or sharing is not permitted. Please email info@theleanstore.com or call 734-475-4301 if you have any questions on the ebook(s) purchase.  EG.,  purchasing 5 copies of a book will allow you to distribute the PDF to 5 users.
    Today’s Lean! Using 5S to Organize and Standardize Areas and Files is another book from the Today’s Lean! series published by MCS Media, Inc.  It has been suggested by you, our readers, that you would like Lean and Six Sigma information to be more succinct and at your fingertips, thus allowing for a single tool or concept to be easily accessible (i.e., as a pocket guide and not a manual).  Therefore, the Today’s Lean! series of books provide:
    1. Concise content on a one main Lean or Six Sigma tool or concept
    2. Numerous case studies, worksheets, and examples from all types of industries
    3. Availability as a pocket guide or ebook
    4. A standard format
    5. An avenue to update content immediately via your feedback and input (via ebook updates)
    6. An inspiration for you to implement something similar
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